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Aggregation functions perform a calculation on a data and return an individual value based on a set of values.

It is helpful when you need to represent an individual value to describe you analysis results. For example, if you have a 500 sales transactions from 10 products, you might want to get a sum of sales for each product to find out what product is more relevant to produce.

When adding a measure that contains numerical values (Number type of a column) you are able to aggregate the values with one of the following ways:

Aggregation function Description Result for measure contains values

3, 5, 6, 5, 7

Sum (SUM) Values are summed up, the total value is displayed. 26
Average (AVG) Values are summed up and divided by the number of values. Average value is displayed. 5,2
Minimum (MIN) Minimum value is displayed. 3
Maximum (MAX) Maximum value is displayed. 7
Distinct count (DCOUNT) The number of unique values is counted and displayed. 4
Median (MEDIAN) Values are sorted ascendingly, the middle value of the ordered row is displayed. 5

For all of the aggregations (excepting SUM) a type of aggregation is represented in a chart.

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