
Estimated reading time: 17 min

Intacct is a highly efficient cloud-based accounting software created for small to medium-size businesses moving out of entry-level accounting.

In this article, you’ll find the answers to the following questions:

Creating an Integration

From your Slemma account, head over to the Library page and click the plus button at the bottom right. Select Integration from the submenu.

In the following page, you can find Intacct with one of the following ways:

  1. Scroll down and select Intacct from the list of Integrations.
  2. Use search to find Intacct from the list of Integrations.
  3. Choose Intacct using All dropdown list > E-Commenrce.

You’ll see the Integration settings dialog window. You can select the frequency for the automatic updates on the DATA REFRESH tab, or set weeks settings on the ADVANCED tab.

Enter your login credentials and click OK.

After authorization, the integration will be created and it will appear in your account in the list of objects. Now you are able to share the integration with either individuals or the entire Team, rename or remove the integration. To view the options available for the integration, right click it in the list.

Creating a Dataset

A dataset is a collection of data in a tabular format that is created on one of the possible data sources. The datasets can be used to create dashboards or individual charts.

To create a dataset, click your Intacct integration in the list and select Browse datasets. From the following page, select which data you want to add to use in your charts.

NOTE: Cloud Service Integrations have prebuilt datasets that are not editable.

Click dataset’s name for a description of each dataset.

This data source contains information about all of your AP and AP payments with all entries such as amount by customers or vendors.


Name Description
1 State The state of the payment
2 Created At Date the payment was initially created
3 Paid Date Date the payment has been paid
4 Term Name The name of the  terms selected here to calculate due date, discounts, and penalties associated with this payment
5 Due Date The system calculates the due date based on the payment date and terms
6 Reference Number The transaction number from the bank
7 Reconciliation Date Reconciliation date
8 Reconciliation Status Reconciliation status
9 Status The status of the payment. Possible values active or inactive
10 Posted At Date on which the transaction actually posts to the general ledger
11 Transaction Currency The ISO code of the transaction currency associated with this payment
12 Base Currency The ISO code of the base currency associated with this payment
13 Confirmed At Date when the payment was confirmed by the bank
14 Created By The user that created this payment
15 Updated At Date the payment was initially modified
16 Updated By The user that modified this payment
17 Payment Date Date that was entered in Payment Date
18 Receipt Date Date you received the payment
19 Payment Method The method the customer used to pay the invoices, such as check, charge card, and so on
20 Customer/Vendor ID The ID of the customer/vendor associated with this payment
21 Customer/Vendor Created At Date the customer/vendor was initially created
22 Customer/Vendor Name The full name and email address of the customer/vendor associated with this invoice
23 Customer/Vendor Country The country name of the customer/vendor
24 Entry Account Title The name of the account associated with this entry
25 Account Group Name The account groups that contain account
26 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this entry
27 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this entry
28 Entry Allocation Name The name of the allocation associated with this entry
29 Revenue Recognition Template The revenue recognition template you want the system to use to track progress and recognize revenue for this entry
30 Revenue Recognition Start Date The start date for recognition of this entry
31 Revenue Recognition End Date The end date for recognition of this entry
32 Deferred Account Name The account for posting the deferred revenue to
33 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this entry
34 Entry Item Name The name of the item associated with this entry
35 Entry Class Name The name of the class associated with this entry
36 Account Direction Account receivable or account payable
37 Exchange Rate Date Date of exchange rate


Name Description
1. Entry Base Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a base currency
2. Entry Transaction Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a transaction currency
3. Exchange Rate The exchange rate
4. Customer/Vendor Name (Distinct count) Customer/Vendor Name (Distinct count)
5. Payment Entries Count Payment Entries Count

This data source contains information about all expense by employees such as amount by employee titles, amount by employee departments and locations.


Name Description
1 Employee ID The ID of the employee associated with this expense
2 Employee Name The full name and email address of the employee associated with this expense
3 Employee Created At Date the employee was initially created
4 Employee Status The status of the employee. Possible values: active and inactive
5 Employee Type The employee works full time, part time, or is a contractor
6 Employee Earning Type Earning type name
7 Employee Title The employee’s current position in the company – for example, software engineer
8 Employee Country The country name of the employee
9 Created At Date the expense was initially created
10 Posted At Date on which the transaction actually posts to the general ledger
11 State The name of the expense status
12 Paid Date Date the expense has been paid
13 Updated At Date the expense was initially modified
14 Transaction Currency The ISO code of the transaction currency associated with this invoice
15 Base Currency The ISO code of the base currency associated with this invoice
16 Created By The user that created this expense
17 Updated By The user that modified this expense
18 Entry Expense Type The type of the expense
19 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this expense type
20 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this expense type
21 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this expense type
22 Employee Termination Type The employee’s termination status. Possible values: voluntary, involuntary, deceased, disability, or retired
23 Employee Department Name The department for which the employee works
24 Employee Location Name Where the employee works
25 Customer Name The full name and email address of the customer associated with this expense
26 Customer Created At Date the customer was initially created
27 Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with this entry
28 Account Name The name of the account associated with this expense
29 Account Group Name The account groups that contain account
30 Payment Type Payment types are useful for tracking how an expense was made
31 Entry Date Date of the expense type
32 Billable “True” if you are billing this expense back to the client


Name Description
1 Entry Base Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a base currency
2 Entry Transaction Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a transaction currency
3 Entry Unit Rate The unit rate for a rate-based expense (for example, mileage)
4 Entry Base Amount Paid Base amount paid against the expense entry. For partially paid invoices, the amount is allocated on pro rata basis
5 Entry Transaction Amount Paid Transaction amount paid against the expense entry. For partially paid invoices, the amount is allocated on pro rata basis
6 Entry Transaction Amount Due Entry Transaction Amount Due = Entry Transaction Amount – Entry Transaction Amount Paid
7 Entry Base Amount Due Entry Base Amount Due = Entry Base Amount – Entry Base Amount Paid
8 Quantity The quantity of your expense
9 Employee (Distinct count) Employee (Distinct count)
10 Expense Entries Count  Expense Entries Count

This data source contains information about all timesheets by employees such as quantity or hours by employee titles, departments and locations.


Name Description
1 Employee ID The ID of the employee associated with this timesheet
2 Employee Name The full name and email address of the employee associated with this timesheet
3 Employee Created At Date the employee was initially created
4 Employee Status The status of the employee. Possible values: active and inactive
5 Employee Type The employee works full time, part time, or is a contractor
6 Employee Earning Type Earning type name
7 Employee Title The employee’s current position in the company – for example, software engineer
8 Employee Country The country name of the employee
9 Begin Date The date this timesheet begins
10 End Date The date this timesheet ends
11 State The state of the timesheet
12 Entry Department Name The name of the location associated with this expense type
13 Entry Location Name The name department associated with this expense type
14 Created At Date the timesheet was initially created
15 Updated At Date the timesheet was initially modified
16 Created By The user that created this timesheet
17 Updated By The user that modified this timesheet
18 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this entry
19 Entry Task Name The name of the task associated with this entry
20 Entry Item Name The name of the item associated with this entry
21 Entry Date The entry date
22 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this entry
23 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this entry
24 Entry State Indicate whether this time type is active or inactive
25 Entry Time Type The name of the time type. For example, “Salary” or “Overtime”
26 Unit of Measure The name of the unit measure. Possible values: area, count, length, time, volume,weight
27 Billable If the line-item is billable to a Customer and/or Project
28 Billed “True” if the item has been billed to the customer
29 Customer Name The full name and email address of the customer associated with this timesheet
30 Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with this timesheet


Name Description
1 Quantity Hours or quantity
2 Ext. Cost Rate External cost rate
3 Ext. Bill Rate External bill rate
4 Employee (Distinct count) Employee (Distinct count)
5 Timesheet Entries Count Timesheet Entries Count

The Account Receivable Invoice Entries data source contains information about all of your invoice entries such as amount by account.


Name Description
1 Invoice Number The record number you are assigning to the invoice
2 Reference Number The customer’s purchase order number or another reference number
3 Created At Date the invoice was initially created
4 Posted At Date on which the transaction actually posts to the general ledger
5 Due Date The system calculates the due date based on the invoice date and terms
6 Paid Date Date the invoice has been paid
7 Updated At Date the invoice was initially modified
8 Created By The user that created this invoice
9 Updated By The user that modified this invoice
10 Term Name The name of the terms selected here to calculate due date, discounts, and penalties associated with this invoice
11 State The state of the invoice. Possible values: draft, posted, partially paid, selected
12 Billing Country The billing country of the contact
13 Shipping Country The shipping country of the contact
14 Bill to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact to invoice for this sale
15 Ship to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact for shipping
16 Transaction Currency The ISO code of the transaction currency associated with this invoice
17 Base Currency The ISO code of the base currency associated with this invoice
18 Customer Name The full name and email address of the customer associated with this invoice
19 Customer Created At Date the customer was initially created
20 Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with this invoice
21 Customer Company The company name of the customer associated with this invoice
22 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this entry
23 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this entry
24 Entry Account Name The name of the account associated with this entry
25 Account Group Name The account groups that contain account
26 Entry Date Date of the entry
27 Entry Allocation Name The name of the allocation associated with this entry
28 Entry Class Name The name of the class associated with this entry
29 Entry Item Name The name of the item associated with this entry
30 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this entry
31 Deferred Account Name The account for posting the deferred revenue to
32 Revenue Recognition Template The revenue recognition template you want the system to use to track progress and recognize revenue for this entry
33 Revenue Recognition Start Date The start date for recognition of this entry
34 Revenue Recognition End Date The end date for recognition of this entry
35 Exchange Rate Date Date of exchange rate


Name Description
1 Entry Base Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a base currency
2 Entry Transaction Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a transaction currency
3 Entry Base Amount Paid Base amount paid against the invoice entry. For partially paid invoices, the amount is allocated on pro rata basis
4 Entry Transaction Amount Paid Transaction amount paid against the invoice entry. For partially paid invoices, the amount is allocated on pro rata basis
5 Entry Transaction Amount Due Entry Transaction Amount Due = Entry Transaction Amount – Entry Transaction Amount Paid
6 Entry Base Amount Due Entry Base Amount Due = Entry Base Amount – Entry Base Amount Paid
7 Exchange Rate The exchange rate
8 Customer (Distinct count) Customer (Distinct count)
9 Invoice Entries Count Invoice Entries Count

The Account Payable Bill Entries data source contains information about all of AP bill entries. This is a transaction that tracks money owed to a vendor.


Name Description
1 Vendor ID The ID of the vendor who is the source of the bill
2 Bill Number The record number assigned to the bill by the vendor
3 Reference Number This is a number such as a purchase order or account number
4 Posted At Date on which the transaction actually posts to the general ledger
5 Created At Date the bill was initially created
6 Due Date The system calculates the due date based on the bill date and terms
7 Paid Date Date when a bill was paid
8 Updated At Date the bill was initially modified
9 Created By The user that created this bill
10 Updated By The user that modified this bill
11 Priority The priority of the bill. Possible values: urgent, high, normal or low
12 Term Name The name of the terms selected here to calculate due date, discounts, and penalties associated with this bill
13 State The state of the bill. Possible values: draft, posted, partially paid, selected
14 On Hold “True” when a bill is on hold
15 Pay To (vendor contact) This field determines the vendor contact to be paid
17 Return To (vendor contact) This field determines the vendor contact for return of the purchase
18 Transaction Currency The ISO code of the transaction currency associated with this bill
19 Base Currency The ISO code of the base currency associated with this bill
20 Vendor Name The name of the vendor who is the source of the bill
21 Account Name The name of the account to which the system assigns the expense
22 Account Group Name The account groups that contain account
23 Entry Date Date of the entry
24 Billable “True” if the item should be billed to the customer
25 Billed “True” if the item has been billed to the customer
26 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this entry
27 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this entry
28 Entry Allocation Name The name of the allocation associated with this entry
29 Entry Item Name The name of the item associated with this entry
30 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this entry
31 Customer Name The name of the customer associated with this entry
32 Customer Created At Date the customer was initially created
33 Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with this entry
34 Employee Name The name of the employee associated with this entry
35 Entry Class Name The ID and name of the class associated with this entry
36 Exchange Rate Date Date of exchange rate


Name Description
1 Entry Base Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a base currency
2 Entry Transaction Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a transaction currency
3 Entry Base Amount Paid Base amount paid against the bill entry. For partially paid bills, the amount is allocated on pro rata basis
4 Entry Transaction Amount Paid Transaction amount paid against the bill entry. For partially paid bills, the amount is allocated on pro rata basis
5 Entry Transaction Amount Due Entry Transaction Amount Due = Entry Transaction Amount – Entry Transaction Amount Paid
6 Entry Base Amount Due Entry Base Amount Due = Entry Base Amount – Entry Base Amount Paid
7 Exchange Rate The exchange rate
8 Vendor (Distinct count) Vendor (Distinct count)
9 Customer (Distinct count) Customer (Distinct count)
10 Bill Entries Count Bill Entries Count

The Recurring Account Receivable Invoice Entries data source contains information about all of your recurring invoices by department, location, customer, etc.


Name Description
1 Invoice Sequence Number Each occurrence of this invoice will get an incremented number from a sequence type defined in Document Numbering on the company setup
2 Reference Number This is a number such as a purchase order or account number
3 Created At Date the invoice was initially created
4 Contract ID Often, recurring invoices are the result of an on-going contract
5 Created By The user that created this invoice
6 Payment Method The manner in which the customer is making a payment. Possible values: check, charge card, record transfer, cash, online ACH debit, online charge card
7 Pay in Full “True” when the payment amount equals the invoice amount
8 Card Type The type of the credit card
9 Account Type The type of account to which the payment will be deposited
10 Bank Account The bank account to which the payment will be deposited
11 Updated At Date the invoice was initially modified
12 Term Name The name of the terms selected here to calculate due date, discounts, and penalties associated with this invoice
13 State The state of the invoice
14 Status This field is “Inactive” if suspend the automatic processing of a recurring bill
15 Bill to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact to invoice for this sale
16 Ship to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact for shipping
17 Transaction Currency The ISO code of the transaction currency associated with this invoice
18 Base Currency The ISO code of the base currency associated with this invoice
19 Customer Name The full name and email address of the customer associated with this invoice
20 Customer Created At Date the customer was initially created
21 Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with this invoice
22 Customer Company The company name of the customer associated with this invoice
23 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this entry
24 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this entry
25 Entry Account Title The name of the account associated with this entry
26 Entry Allocation Name The name of the allocation associated with this entry
27 Entry Class Name The name of the class associated with this entry
28 Entry Item Name The name of the item associated with this entry
29 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this entry
30 Deferred Account Name The account for posting the deferred revenue to
31 Revenue Recognition Template The revenue recognition template you want the system to use to track progress and recognize revenue for this entry
32 Revenue Recognition Start Date The start date for recognition of this entry
33 Revenue Recognition End Date The end date for recognition of this entry
34 Account Name The name of the account associated with this entry
35 Account Group Name The account groups that contain account
36 Exchange Rate Date Date of exchange rate


Name Description
1 Entry Base Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a base currency
2 Entry Transaction Amount Actual amount of the transaction for this entry in a transaction currency
3 Exchange Rate The exchange rate
4 Customer (Distinct count) Customer (Distinct count)
5 Invoice Entries  Count Invoice Entries Count

This data source contains information about all of your orders such as the status of orders over time and the total purchase amount.


Name Description
1 Order Number The number of the purchase order
2 Created At Date the order was initially created
3 Due Date The ship date
4 Payment Status The status of the payment associated with this order
5 Created By The user that created this order
6 Updated By The user that modified this order
7 Purchase Type The type of the purchase. Possible values: PO Receiver, Vendor Invoice, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order
8 Bill to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact to invoice for this sale
9 Ship to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact for shipping
10 Billing Country The billing country of the contact
11 Shipping Country The shipping country of the contact
12 Employee ID The ID of the employee associated with this entry
13 Employee Name The full name and email address of the employee associated with this entry
14 Updated At Date the order was initially modified
15 Term Name The name of the terms selected here to calculate due date, discounts, and penalties associated with this order
16 Entry Item Type The type of the item. Possible values: inventory, non-inventory, non-inventory (purchase only), non-inventory (sales only), kit, stockable kit
17 Status The status of the corresponding transaction
18 Transaction Currency The ISO code of the transaction currency associated with this order
19 Base Currency The ISO code of the base currency associated with this order
20 Vendor ID The ID of the vendor associated with this order
21 Vendor Name The full name and email address of the vendor associated with this order
22 Vendor Created At Date the vendor was initially created
23 Vendor Company Name The company name of the vendor associated with this order
24 Entry Customer Created At Date the customer was initially created
25 Entry Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with this entry
26 Entry Customer Company The company name of the customer associated with this entry
27 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this entry
28 Unit of Measure The name of the unit measure. Possible values: area, count, length, time, volume,weight
29 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this entry
30 Entry Warehouse Name The name of the warehouse associated with this entry
31 Entry Class Name The name of the class associated with this entry
32 Entry Item Name The name of the item associated with this entry
33 Entry Item Cost Method The accounting method to use for determining the cost of inventory. Possible values: standard cost, average cost, first-in first-out (FIFO), last in first-out (LIFO)
34 Taxable “True” if the sale of the item is taxable
35 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this entry
36 Exchange Rate Date Date of exchange rate


Name Description
1 Quantity Indicates the quantity of the corresponding item
2 Average Cost The weighted average of unit available for sale and uses that average to determine the value of COGS and ending inventory
3 Base Extended Price Displays the price multiplied by the Quantity in a base currency
4 Base Price The price of one unit in a base currency
5 Transaction Extended Price Displays the price multiplied by the Quantity in a transaction currency
6 Transaction Price The price of one unit in a transaction currency
7 Exchange Rate The exchange rate
8 Vendor (Distinct count) Vendor (Distinct count)
9 Invoice Entries Count Invoice Entries Count

This data source contains information about all of your orders such as the status of orders over time and the total sale amount.


Name Description
 1 Order Number The number of the sales order
2 Created At Date the order was initially created
3 Due Date The ship date
4 Payment Status The status of the payment associated with this order
5 Created By The user that created this order
6 Updated By The user that modified this order
7 Sales Type The type of the sales. Possible values: Sales Quote, Sales Credit Memo, Sales Invoice, Shipper, Sales Order
8 Bill to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact to invoice for this sale
9 Ship to (Contact Name) This field determines the customer contact for shipping
10 Billing Country The billing country of the contact
11 Shipping Country The shipping country of the contact
12 Updated At Date the order was initially modified
13 Term Name The name of the terms selected here to calculate due date, discounts, and penalties associated with this order
14 Status The status of the corresponding transaction
15 Transaction Currency The ISO code of the transaction currency associated with this order
16 Base Currency The ISO code of the base currency associated with this order
17 Customer Name The full name of the customer associated with this order
18 Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with this order
19 Customer Created At Date the customer was initially created
20 Customer Company Name The company name of the customer associated with this order
21 Entry Vendor ID The ID of the vendor associated with this entry
22 Entry Vendor Name The full name and email address of the vendor associated with this entry
23 Entry Vendor Created At Date the vendor was initially created
24 Entry Vendor Company Name The company name of the vendor associated with this entry
25 Entry Department Name The name of the department associated with this entry
26 Unit of Measure The name of the unit measure. Possible values: area, count, length, time, volume,weight
27 Entry Location Name The name of the location associated with this entry
28 Entry Warehouse Name The name of the warehouse associated with this entry
29 Entry Class Name The name of the class associated with this entry
30 Entry Item Name The name of the item associated with this entry
31 Entry Item Cost Method The accounting method to use for determining the cost of inventory. Possible values: standard cost, average cost, first-in first-out (FIFO), last in first-out (LIFO)
32 Taxable “True” if the sale of the item is taxable
33 Entry Project Name The name of the project associated with this entry
34 Exchange Rate Date Date of exchange rate


Name Description
 1 Quantity Indicates the quantity of the corresponding item
 2 Average Cost The weighted average of unit available for sale and uses that average to determine the value of COGS and ending inventory
3 Base Extended Price Displays the price multiplied by the Quantity in a base currency
4 Base Price The price of one unit in a base currency
 5 Transaction Extended Price Displays the price multiplied by the Quantity in a transaction currency
6 Transaction Price The price of one unit in a transaction currency
7 Exchange Rate The exchange rate
8 Vendor (Distinct count) Vendor (Distinct count)
9 Invoice Entries Count Invoice Entries Count

Creating a Chart

Click a dataset or integration and select Create dashboard/Create chart/Create presentation to start building a chart (please note that presentations are available starting from the Standard Plan).

From the next page, you can choose to create your own chart from scratch, or you can apply one of the templates we created.

If you choose to build a new chart from scratch (“Blank” option), the Chart designer will open. Go here to learn how to create a chart in the Chart designer.

If you choose a template, a new chart will be added to a dashboard/saved chart/presentation (depending on the way you start the chart creation).

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