
Estimated reading time: 5 min

Braintree is a full-stack payments platform that makes it easy to accept payments in your app or website. Braintree is the easiest way to accept payments anywhere online and via a mobile app.

In this article, you’ll find the answers to the following questions:

Creating an Integration

To create an integration, head over to the Library tab (your home page) and click the plus button at the bottom right. Select Integration from the submenu.

From the next page, you can find Braintree with one of the following ways:

  1. Scroll down and select Braintree from the list of integrations;
  2. Use search icon from the top right corner of the window;
  3. Open the All dropdown and select Payment Processing.

Click the integration.

You’ll see the Integration settings dialog window.

You can select the frequency for the automatic updates on the DATA REFRESH tab (For Zendesk datasets, you can also enable Incremental updates option), or set weeks settings on the ADVANCED tab.

Leave this page open for now – we’ll need it to complete the setup.

You can locate Merchant ID, Public Key and Private Key by following these steps:

  1. Log into either the production Control Panel or the sandbox Control Panel, depending on which environment you are working in
  2. Navigate to Account My user
  3. Under API Keys, Tokenization Keys, Encryption Keys, click View Authorizations
    • If no API keys appear, click Generate New API Key
  4. Click View under the Private Key column to see your public and private keys, and merchant ID

For added security when using Braintree we recommend to only grant Slemma read access to certain parts of your Braintree account. Take the following steps to do this:

  1. Go to Settings > Users and Roles > Manage Roles > New.
  2. Give the role a name like “Read only”.
  3. Uncheck all permissions except:
    • Download Transactions with Masked Payment Data
    • Download Vault Records with Masked Payment Data
    • Download Subscription Records
  4. Click “Create role”.
  5. Go to Settings > Users and roles > New user.
    • Give the user API Access
    • Assign the read only role
    • Assign access to the merchant accounts (usually all of them).
  6. Now logout of Braintree and log back in as this new ‘read only’ user.

Copy the API keys for this user, switch back to the Integration settings window and paste the keys. 

Click OK to continue.

After authorization, the integration will be created and it will appear in your account in the list of objects. Now you are able to share the integration with either individuals or the entire Team, rename or remove the integration. To view the options available for the integration, right click it in the list.

Creating a Dataset

A dataset is a collection of data in a tabular format that is created on one of the possible data sources. The datasets can be used to create dashboards or individual charts.

To create a dataset, click your Braintree integration in the list and select Create dataset. From the following page, select which data you want to add to use in your charts.

NOTE: Cloud Service Integrations have prebuilt datasets that are not editable.

Click dataset’s name for a description of each dataset.

This data source contains information about all the subscriptions generated on your customers. For each customer that has a subscription, you will find a row in this data source.


  1. Status – The status of the subscription. Possible values: Active, canceled, expired, pastdue, pending
  2. Plan – The name of the plan
  3. Created – Date when this subscription was created
  4. Started – Date the most recent update to this subscription started
  5. Ended – Date on which the subscription ends
  6. Cycle – The subscription’s current billing cycle
  7. Customer – The customer (email) who owns the subscription


  1. Discount amount – The discount amount
  2. Amount – The sum billing amount of the transactions
  3. Balance – The balance of the subscription
  4. Subscriptions Count – Subscriptions Count


  1. Plans Breakout – Compare the number of subscriptions by plan for the time period of your choice.
  2. Subscriptions Created over the last 30 days – Track the new subscriptions over the last 30 days.
  3. Top 10 Customers by Number of Subscriptions – View your top ten contacts by number of subscription for the time period of your choice.

This data source contains information about all of your transactions such as transaction amount by customer email and billing country.


  1. Status – The status of the transaction
  2. Country – The 2-letter billing country code
  3. Type – The type of the transaction. Possible values: sale or credit
  4. Date – Date when this transaction was created
  5. Customer – The customer (email) who сreated the transaction
  6. Currency – The currency of the transaction
  7. Plan – The name of the plan to which the customer should be subscribed
  8. Is refund – If the transaction has a refunds
  9. Is recurring – A value indicating whether the transaction was passed with a recurring e-commerce indicator (ECI) flag


  1. Amount – The billing amount of the transaction
  2. Dispute amount – Amount customer requested when disputing the transaction
  3. Discount amount – The discount amount


  1. Amount Refunded over the last 30 days – View refunds issued in the given time period and how it is trending.
  2. Cumulative Gross Revenue over the last 30 days – Make sure that the financial health of your business is in great shape with this report on cumulative gross revenue for the time period of your choice.
  3. Discount Amount by Customer – Shows the discount amount by customer for the time period of your choice.
  4. Failed Payments over the last 30 days – View the transactions that failed over the last 30 days.
  5. MoM Gross Revenue Growth Rate (last 6 months) – Shows the change in the value as a percentage of the previous month’s value over the last 6 months.
  6. Number of Payments by day of the week (last 30 days) – Shows the number of payments by day of the week over the last 30 days.
  7. Revenue Breakout by Plan (last 30 days) – Compare the revenue by plan over the last 30 days.
  8. Revenue by Country (last 30 days) – Find the sales driving locations for the selected time frame.
  9. Successful vs. Failed Payments over the last 30 days – Compare your amount of the success payments with amount of the  failed payments over the last 30 days.
  10. Top 10 Countries by Revenue (last 30 days) – View your top ten countries by revenue over the last 30 days.
  11. Top 10 Customers by Revenue (last 30 days) – View your top ten customers by revenue for the time period of your choice.

This data source contains information about all of your customers such as customer count by creation date and country.


  1. Email – The email address of the customer
  2. Created – Date the customer was initially created
  3. Country – The 2-letter country code specified in an address of the customer


  1. Customers Count

Creating a Chart

Click a dataset or integration and select Create dashboard/Create chart/Create presentation to start building a chart (please note that presentations are available starting from the Standard Plan).

From the next page, you can choose to create your own chart from scratch, or you can apply one of the templates we created.

  • If you choose to build a new chart from scratch (“Blank” option), the Chart designer will open. Go here to learn how to create a chart in the Chart designer.
  • If you choose a template, a new chart will be added to a dashboard/saved chart/presentation (depending on the way you start the chart creation).
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