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Branding options let you customize the main aspects of the application appearance.

NOTE: Branding options are enabled for the Standard plan.

The Branding options include the following settings:

Product name and logo

Replace the name and the logo of the product in emails, and in all user interface. We suggest using the name of your product. Default name is “Slemma”.

Colors and fonts

Change the primary and accent colors to fit your branding requirements. You may also change the font for your app.

Dashboard shared by the link:

Dashboard view mode:

Dashboard edit mode:

Navigation header:

Header settings

Choose which elements you want to display in header of your dashboard/saved chart/presentation. All settings are enabled by default. You can hide the header at all, or set to display only desired elements. You can also choose where the header should be displayed when downloading PDF – top or bottom, and on the first page only or on all pages.

Each dashboard/saved chart/presentation could have its own settings to break what is set up here. For this, open the desired infographics in the edit mode, click the three-dots button at the top right and choose Settings. Here you can manage header settings for this specific object, they are all the same as on the Branding page.

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