
Estimated reading time: 15 min

Keap (previously – Infusionsoft) is an all-in-one marketing and sales automation software for small businesses. It effortlessly combines the functions of a CRM, an email marketing, and an e-commerce solution.

Use the search bar above or the links below to find the knowledge base section you are looking for.

Creating an Integration

From your Slemma account, head over to the Library page and click the plus button at the bottom right. Select Integration from the submenu.

In the following page, you can find Keap with one of the following ways:

  1. Scroll down and select Keap from the list of Integrations.
  2. Use search to find Keap from the list of Integrations.
  3. Choose Infusionsoft using All dropdown list > CRM.

You’ll see the Integration settings dialog window. You can select the frequency for the automatic updates on the DATA REFRESH tab, or set weeks settings on the ADVANCED tab. Click OK.


You’ll be directed to a page to sign in. Login to you Keap account and grant Slemma permission to access your data.

After authorization, you’ll be able to share the integration with either individuals or the entire Team, rename or remove the integration. To view the options available for the integration, right click it in the list.

Creating a Dataset

A dataset is a collection of data in a tabular format that is created on one of the possible data sources. The datasets can be used to create dashboards or individual charts.

To create a dataset, click your Infusionsoft integration in the list and select Browse datasets. From the following page, select which data you want to add to use in your charts.

NOTE: Cloud Service Integrations have prebuilt data sets that are not editable.

Click dataset’s name for a description of each dataset.

This data source contains information about all your appointments within an account such as appointment count by end date.


  1. Title – The title of the appointment
  2. Created – Date the appointments was initially created
  3. Updated – Date the appointment was last modified
  4. Start date – Date on which the appointment starts
  5. End date – Date on which the appointment ends
  6. Location – A string set by the user representing the location of the appointment
  7. Recurrence –  A string with value RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE, EXDATE


  1. Remind Time, minutes – The number of minutes prior to the start_date to be reminded of the appointment
  2. Appointments Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Number of Appointments by Starting Date (current month)

This data source contains the information about the actions for each contact such as tasks, notes and appointments within Infusionsoft.


  1. Accepted – “True” if action has been accepted
  2. Action Date – Date of the action
  3. Action Type – The type of the action
  4. Completion Date – Date the action was completed
  5. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact  linked with this action
  6. Created – Date the action was initially created
  7. End Date – Date the action ends
  8. Is Appointment – “True” if action is appointment
  9. Last Updated – Date the action was last modified
  10. Location – The location of the action
  11. Object Type – The object type. Possible values: Note, Task or Appointment
  12. Popup Date – Popup date for this action
  13. Priority – The priority of the action. Possible values: Critical, Essential, Non-Essentia
  14. User – The user who assigned to this action


  1. Actions Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Appts/Notes/Task by Action – Show the appointments, notes, and tasks for each Action Type to compare them to each other created over the last 12 months.
  • Appts/Notes/Task by User – Show the appointment, notes, and tasks for each user to compare them to each other created over the last 12 months.
  • Appts/Notes/Task Summary – Show the appointments, notes, and/or tasks summary that have been completed accrues a given date range.

This data source contains information about all of your contacts such as days to convert to Lead and your custom fields per contact.


  1. Company – The name of the organization for this contact
  2. Created – Date the contact was initially created
  3. Last Updated – The time the contact information was last modified
  4. Lead Source – The lead source associated with this contact
  5. Name – The full name and email address of the contact
  6. State – The state of the contact
  7. Country – The country of the contact
  8. Person Type – The type of the contact
  9. Owner – The owner of the contact
  10. Birthday – Date of the contact ‘s birth
  11. Anniversary – Date of the contact ‘s anniversary

+ Custom Dimensions


  1. Time to Convert Contact to Lead (Days) – Total days between creating a contact and the first associating with lead
  2. Time to Purchase (Days) – Total days between the date of create a contact and the first purchase creating for this contact
  3. Contact Count

+ Custom Measures


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Appts/Notes/Task Summary – Show the appointments, notes, and/or tasks summary that have been completed accrues a given date range.
  • Contact Counter – Shows the current number of contacts.
  • Average Days Between Contact and 1st Order by Company – Calculate the average number of days it takes from a contact being created to its 1st order.
  • Average Days Between Contact and Opportunity by Company – Calculate the days between when a contact was created and when the first opportunity was created for the contact.

This data source contains information about all your invoices for of all contacts such as the associated invoice contact by invoice total.


  1. Contact – The full name and email address of contact linked with this invoice
  2. Created – Date the invoice was initially created
  3. ID – The unique identifier for this invoice
  4. Type – The type of the invoice
  5. Updated – Date the invoice was last modified


  1. Invoice Total – The total amount on an invoice, including transport, VAT, etc.
  2. Total Due – Total amount due
  3. Total Paid – Total amount paid
  4. Tax Amount – Sum of all taxes
  5. Shipping Amount – Total shipping amount for the invoice
  6. Discount Amount – Total shipping amount for the invoice
  7. Contacts (Distinct count) –  Number of unique contacts
  8. Invoices Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Gross Revenue – Displays invoice totals, total collected and the number of transactions that represent the revenue.
  • Invoice Total Date Created Goal – Set an invoice total goal and see your progress towards it over the last 30 days.
  • Net Revenue – Display the revenue from invoices created over the last 12 months subtracting all shipping, tax, and cost of good.

Explore where your organizations’ best leads and sales originate.


  1. Category – The category of the lead source
  2. End date – Date the lead source ends
  3. Lead Source – The name of the lead source
  4. Start Date – Date the lead source starts
  5. Status – The status of the lead source
  6. Vendor – The vendor of the lead source


  1. Expence Amount – The total lead source expense is the sum of the individual one time
  2. Recurring Expence Amount – The sum of recurring expenses
  3. Revenue – The number of product in orders linked with this lead source
  4. Unit Sold – The total amount in orders linked with this lead source
  5. Lead Sources Count 


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Expences by Lead Source – Track the total expenses by lead sources.
  • Products by Category of Lead Source – Show the product sales, from all category of lead source.

This data source contains information about your opportunities such as the estimated close date of leads and projected revenue.


  1. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact
  2. Created – Date the opportunity was initially created
  3. Created By – The user that created this opportunity
  4. Date In Stage – Date when opportunity was moved to the current stage
  5. Estimated Close Date – This is the date you predict the lead will be closed
  6. Lead Source – The name of the lead source associated with opportunity
  7. Opportunity Title – The opportunity title. It can be a company name, a person name, a “deal” name, etc
  8. Stage – The current stage for this opportunity
  9. Status – The status of the opportunity
  10. Updated – Date the opportunity was last modified
  11. Opportunity Owner – The owner of the opportunity
  12. Contact Owner – The owner of the contact
  13. Tags – The array of tags associated with this opportunity


  1. Monthly Revenue – The monthly revenue
  2. Order Revenue – Total revenue of orders for this opportunity
  3. Projected Revenue High – The high dollar value of this opportunity
  4. Projected Revenue Low – The low dollar value of this opportunity
  5. Leads Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • High/Low Projected Revenue Leads by Creation Date over the last 30 days – Compare the high and low revenues over the last 30 days.
  • Leads – Show total number of leads coming in within a date range.
  • Leads Win Rate over the last 6 months – Monitor the number of wins over the past 6 months, and compare it to the total number of opportunities.
  • Opportunities Won and Forecasted – Displays the revenue from your Won opportunities and forecasts the revenue from your Open opportunities.
  • Opportunity Pipeline Summary – Shows a breakdown of the number or the revenue in each of your opportunity stages created over the last 12 months.
  • Top Performing Lead Sources – Stop throwing money after bad lead sources and start investing in the ones that are thriving.

This data source contains information about all of your orders such as the amount due by order status and whether or not it’s a recurring order.


  1. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact associated with this order
  2. Created – Date the order was initially created
  3. Id – The unique identifier for this order
  4. Recurring – Whether or not this is a recurring order
  5. Status – The status of the order
  6. Title – The title of the order
  7. Updated – Date the order was last modified


  1. Items Сount – The number of items include this order
  2. Total – Total amount of the order
  3. Total Due – Total amount due
  4. Total Paid – Total amount paid
  5. Orders Count
  6. Contact (Distinct сount) – The number of unique contacts


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Order Counter – Shows the current number of orders.
  • Top 10 Contacts by Total Amount Spent over the last 30 days – View your top ten contacts by total amount spent created over the last 30 days.
  • Total Orders Value by State over the last 30 days – Track the total value of orders of contacts this month. See the value of paid vs. unpaid orders.

This data source contains information about for each of the payments or refunds placed. This includes all types of payments. Cash, Refund, check, PayPal, etc.


  1. Comission – “True” if you set an option “Apply to Commission”
  2. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact
  3. Invoice Id – The unique identifier for the invoice
  4. Pay Date – Date the payment has been paid
  5. Pay Type – The type of the payment
  6. Synced – “True” if this payment synced with other service


  1. Contact (Distinct Count) – The number of unique contacts
  2. Pay Amount – Total amount of payment
  3. Payments Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Payments – Display all your payments to view the amount of money you actually have collected during a time frame.
  • Refunds – Show the amount of refunds that are processed in a given time frame.

This data source contains information about all your sales by product category.


  1. Category – The name of the category


  1. Revenue – The total amount in orders linked with this product category
  2. Number of records


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Product Category Revenue – See the product categories revenue.

The Products data source contains information about all of your products such as revenue by SKU.


  1. Id – The unique identifier for this product
  2. Name – The name of the product
  3. SKU – The product sku
  4. Status – The status of the product. Possible values: Active or Inactive
  5. Subscription Only – If the product should be sold only as a subscription and not a one-time product


  1. Options Count – The number of options for this product
  2. Product Price – The price per unit of the product
  3. Quantity – The quantity of this product in orders
  4. Revenue – The total amount in orders
  5. Products Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Top 10 Products by Total Sales – View your top ten products by total sales.

This data source holds historic data of opportunities being moved from one stage to another such as the average time an opportunity spends in a particular stage.


  1. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact
  2. Created – Date the opportunity was initially created
  3. Created By – The user that created this opportunity
  4. Owner – The owner of the opportunity
  5. Estimated Close Date – This is the date you predict the lead will be closed
  6. From Stage – The stage from which moved this opportunity
  7. Lead Source – The name of the lead source associated with opportunity
  8. Move Date – Date when was moved to the new stage
  9. Opportunity Title – The opportunity title
  10. Status – The status of the opportunity
  11. To Stage – The stage to which moved this opportunity
  12. Updated – Date the opportunity was last modified


  1. Days – The number of days between transitions
  2. Target # Days – This number represents the max number of days you typically want a prospect to remain in the stage
  3. Number of records


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Days Between Opportunity Stages – Calculate the number of days it takes for opportunities to move between stages.

This data source contains information about all the subscriptions generated on your contacts. For each contact that has a subscription, you will find a row in this data source.


  1. Auto Charge – “True” if the option auto charge enabled for this subscription
  2. Billing Cycle – Integer used with the unit e.g. 1 (every 1 week), 2 (every 2 months)
  3. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact
  4. End Date – Date the subscription ends
  5. Last Billing Вate – Last billing date for this subscription
  6. Max Charge Attempts – The number of charge attempts
  7. Name – The information from the product and subscription: “product name (subscription id, every)”
  8. Next Billing Date – Next billing date for this subscription
  9. Number Days Between Retry – The number of days between retries
  10. Order Id – The unique identifier for the order
  11. Paid Thru Date – This field is really the last billed date
  12. Product Id – The unique identifier for the product
  13. Reason Stopped – The reason stopped if you cancelled a subscription
  14. Start Date – Date the subscription starts
  15. Status – The status of the subscription


  1. Billing Amount – This defaults to the price you defined when you set up the subscription program
  2. Quantity – The quantity of product in a subscription
  3. Subscriptions Count
  4. Contact (Distinct сount) – The number of unique contacts


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Average Subscriptions Price  – Find the average billing amount of your selected subscriptions over the last 12 months.
  • Subscriptions Attrition – Show the attraction rate over a period of time. Attraction is calculated by the number of inactive subscriptions divided by the active subscriptions within the same time frame.
  • Subscriptions Cancellations – Show the number of subscriptions that are cancelled during a given time frame.
  • Cubscriptions Counter – Shows the current number of subscriptions.
  • Subscriptions Lifetime Value – Shows the Lifetime Value of your customers for your selected subscriptions started over the last 12 months.
  • Subscriptions Started – See the number of subscriptions that have started over a given date range.

This data source has one entry for each tag a single contact has. If you have one contact with five tags, you will find five entries in this table for that given contact.


  1. Applied Date – Date when created a link between a tag and a contact
  2. Category – The category of the tag
  3. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact
  4. Lead Source – The lead source associated with this contact
  5. Tag – The name of the tag


  1. Days Between Tags – Number of days between when tags applied to a contact
  2. Applied Tags Count 
  3. Contact (Distinct count) – The number of unique contacts


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Days Between Tags – Calculate the number of days between when tags get applied. Show average as well as break down and see the details.
  • Lead Sources by Tag – Show the lead sources that attributed to the selected tag getting applied.
  • Tag Counter – Shows the current number of tags.
  • Tag Funnel – Displays the number of contacts in a list of tags over a given date range.
  • Tags Applied – See how many tags get applied to contacts during a period of time.
  • Tag Totals – View your top ten tags by number of contacts applied over the last 12 months.

Analyze the activity of your personnel by tracking their tasks.


  1. Completed – “True” if this task is completed
  2. Completed Date – Date when you mark this task complete
  3. Contact – The full name and email address of the contact associated with this task
  4. Created – Date the task was initially created
  5. Due Date – Date when the task should be completed
  6. Id – A unique identifier of the task
  7. Priority –  The priority of the task.
  8. Title – The title of the task
  9. Updated – Date the task was last modified
  10. User – The user that assigned to this task


  1. Tasks Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Tasks by Priority over the last 30 days – Compare the number of tasks by priority over the last 30 days.
  • Tasks Completion Rate over the last 30 days – Compare the number of tasks with number of complete tasks created over the last 30 days.

Contains information about your transactions


  1. Collection Method – Defines the method of the transaction, one of credit card, paypal, manually
  2. Contact – The full name and email address of contact referenced in this transaction
  3. Currency – The transaction’s currency
  4. Gateway – The payment gateway used for the transaction
  5. Id – The unique identifier for this transaction
  6. Status – Status of the transaction
  7. Transaction Date – Date that the transaction took place
  8. Type – Type of transaction; usually AUTHORIZE or CAPTURE


  1. Amount – Total amount of the transaction
  2. Transactions Count


Instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

The following template available for this dataset:

  • Gross Revenue
  • Total Transactions Value over the last 30 days

Creating a Chart

Click a dataset or integration and select Create dashboard/Create saved chart/Create presentation to start building a chart (please note that presentations are available starting from the Standard Plan).

From the next page, you can choose to create your own chart from scratch, or you can apply one of the templates we created.

  • If you choose to build a new chart from scratch (“Blank” option), the Chart designer will open. Go here to learn how to create a chart in the Chart designer.
  • If you choose a template, a new chart will be added to a dashboard/saved chart/presentation (depending on the way you start the chart creation).
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