Recurly datasets

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This article describes the specifications of each Recurly dataset. To learn more about setting up a Recurly integration with Slemma, go here.

Each dataset contains the list of dimensions and measures, which are used to create charts. For some datasets, we’ve added chart templates.

Measures are numbers, or quantitative values. For example, number of tasks, profit, price, or number of days.
Dimensions are categories by which you group your measures, for example country, product category or company name.
Templates – instead of starting from scratch when building a chart, you can use a pre-built visualization. Simply click one of the templates from the list and it will be added to the dashboard filled with your data. You can then edit and customize this template like a usual chart created by you.

Here is the list of the datasets available for Recurly integration. Click the name of the dataset to get to its description:


This data source contains information about all of your transactions such as transaction amount by customer email and billing country.

  1. Status – The status of the transaction. Possible values: success, declined, void
  2. Account – The unique identifier of the account
  3. Account created – Date the account was initially created
  4. Invoice number – The number of invoice
  5. Invoice created – Date the invoice was initially created
  6. Country – The 2-letter billing country code
  7. City – The name of the billing city
  8. Currency – 3-letter currency for the transaction
  9. Date – Date the transaction was initially created
  10. Type – The action of the transaction. Possible values: purchase, verify or refund
  11. Payment method – The payment method. Possible values: credit_card, paypal, check, wire_transfer, money_order
  12. Is recurring – “True” if transaction is recurring
  13. Email – The email address of the account
  14. Is subscription – If source is subscription
  15. Plan – The name of the plan to which the customer should be subscribed
  1. Amount – Amount of the transaction
  2. Payments Count – Payments Count
  1. Amount Refunded over the last 30 days – View refunds issued in the given time period and how it is trending.
  2. Cumulative Gross Revenue over the last 30 days – Make sure that the financial health of your business is in great shape with this report on cumulative gross revenue for the time period of your choice.
  3. Failed Payments over the last 30 days – View the transactions that failed over the last 30 days.
  4. MoM Gross Revenue Growth Rate (last 6 months) – Shows the change in the value as a percentage of the previous month’s value over the last 6 months.
  5. Number of Payments by day of the week (last 30 days) – Shows the number of payments by day of the week over the last 30 days.
  6. Number of Payments by Locations – Track the number of payments your customers from different countries made over the last 30 days or during the period of your choice.
  7. Revenue by Country (last 30 days) – Find the sales driving locations for the selected time frame.
  8. Revenue by Plan (last 30 days) – Compare the revenue by plan over the last 30 days.
  9. Successful vs. Failed Payments over the last 30 days – Compare your amount of the success payments with amount of the  failed payments over the last 30 days.
  10. Top 10 Countries by Revenue (last 30 days) – View your top ten countries by revenue over the last 30 days.
  11. Top 10 Customers by Revenue (last 30 days) – View your top ten contacts by number of subscription for the time period of your choice.


This data source contains information about all the subscriptions generated on your customers. For each customer that has a subscription, you will find a row in this data source.

  1. State – The state of the subscription
  2. Plan – The name and code of plan
  3. Activated – Date when a subscription was activated
  4. Canceled – Date when a subscription was canceled
  5. Trial start – If the subscription has a trial, the beginning of that trial
  6. Trial end – If the subscription has a trial, the end of that trial
  7. Interval – One of day or month
  8. Subscription currency – Currency for the subscription
  9. Customer – The email address of the account
  1. Quantity – Optionally override the default quantity of 1
  2. Discount amount – The discount on the adjustment. Subscription->Invoice->Adjustment
  3. Subscriptions Count
  1. Discount Amount by Customer – Shows the discount amount by customer for the time period of your choice.
  2. Plans Breakout – Compare the number of subscriptions by plan for the time period of your choice.
  3. Subscriptions Created over the last 30 days – Track the new subscriptions over the last 30 days.
  4. Top 10 Customers by Number of Subscriptions – View your top ten contacts by number of subscription for the time period of your choice.
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